黄娜,女,工学博士(后),学术教授,硕士生导师,山东省泰山学者青年专家。2018年博士毕业于日本长崎大学岩土工程专业,主要从事裂隙岩体渗流与溶质运移领域的创新研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目等纵向课题6项,作为研究骨干参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、面上项目及山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目等多项;获日本岩石力学学会优秀博士论文奖(日本岩石力学界博士学位论文最高奖,并作为日本组唯一候选人推荐至国际岩石力学学会参与罗哈奖评选);以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/EI期刊论文20余篇,兼任Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering等杂志审稿专家;兼任国际SCI期刊Geofluids专刊“Hydro-Mechanical Behaviors of Rock Fractures and Fracture Networks”的客座主编。
3. THMC多场耦合数值计算
1. 2008.09-2012.06:威廉希尔,工程力学,工学学士;
2. 2012.09-2014.06:威廉希尔,流体力学,工学硕士,导师:蒋宇静;
3. 2015.03-2018.03:日本长崎大学,岩土工程,工学博士,导师:蒋宇静;
4. 2018.04-2019.03:日本长崎大学,工学部/工学研究科,客座研究员;
5. 2018.11-2021.06:中国石油大学(华东),石工学院,团队博士后;
6. 2021.08-2022.07:威廉希尔,威廉希尔WilliamHill,讲师,硕导;
7. 2022.08-今:威廉希尔,威廉希尔WilliamHill,学术教授,硕导。
1.Na Huang, R Liu, Y Jiang, et al. Shear-flow coupling characteristics of a three-dimensional discrete fracture network-fault model considering stress-induced aperture variations, Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 571: 416. (SCI一区Top, ESI高被引论文)
2.Na Huang, R Liu, Y Jiang. Evaluating the effect of aperture variation on the hydraulic properties of the three-dimensional fractal-like tree network model. Fractals, 2020, 28(6), 2050112-6008. (SCI一区)
3.Na Huang, Y Jiang, R Liu, et al. A novel three-dimensional discrete fracture network model for investigating the role of aperture heterogeneity on fluid flow through fractured rock masses. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2019, 116, 25-37. (SCI一区, Top)
4.Na Huang, Y Jiang, R Liu, et al. Experimental and numerical studies of the hydraulic properties of three-dimensional fracture networks with spatially distributed apertures, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52. (SCI二区)
5.Na Huang, R Liu, Y Jiang, et al. Effects of fracture surface roughness and shear displacement on geometrical and hydraulic properties of three-dimensional crossed rock fracture models. Advances in Water Resources, 2018, 113: 30-41. (SCI二区)
6.Na Huang, R Liu, Y Jiang, et al. Development and application of three-dimensional discrete fracture network modeling approach for fluid flow in fractured rock masses. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 103957. (SCI二区)
7.Na Huang, Y Jiang, R Liu, et al. Size effect on the permeability and shear induced flow anisotropy of fractal rock fractures. Fractals. 2018, 26(2): 1840001. (SCI二区)
8.Na Huang, Y Jiang, R Liu, et al. A predictive model of permeability for fractal-based rough rock fractures during shear. Fractals, 2017, 25(05): 1750051. (SCI二区)
9.Na Huang, Y Jiang, R Liu, et al. Estimation of permeability of 3-D discrete fracture networks: an alternative possibility based on trace map analysis. Engineering Geology, 2017, 226: 12-19. (SCI一区)
10. R Liu,Na Huang*, Y Jiang, et al. A numerical study of shear-induced evolutions of geometric and hydraulic properties of self-affine rough-walled rock fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,2020,127, 104211. (通讯, SCI一区,Top, ESI高被引论文)
11. R Liu, M He,Na Huang*, et al. Three-dimensional double-rough-walled modeling of fluid flow through self-affine shear fractures. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2020,12(1):41-49. (通讯, SCI一区, Top, ESI高被引论文)
12.黄娜,蒋宇静,程远方,等.基于3D打印技术的复杂三维粗糙裂隙网络渗流特性试验及数值模拟研究.岩土力学. 2021,42(6): 1659-1668. (卓越期刊,EI检索)
1. The 5th International Conference on Mine Hazards Prevention and Control (ICMHPC5),日本·东京,2019.11;
2.第十六次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会,中国·北京, 2019.09;
3. The 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS9),印尼·巴厘岛, 2019.08;
4.第十五次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会,中国·北京, 2018.11;
5. The 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS10),新加坡, 2018.10;
6. Proceedings of the 14th Japan Rock Mechanics Symposium,日本·神户, 2017.01。